Weight Loss: First Weigh In


Its Monday evening so that means one thing, WWย (the re-brand of weight watchers) time.

There is something really scary about standing in line to be weighed.

In your head you know what kind of week you’ve had, but will the scales tell the same story.

Just before it’s your turn you make sure you remove anything that could possibly add an extra pound, watches, phones, shoes, jumpers they all get piled up on a chair. You’ve already been to the loo so you’re good to go.

And breath they are only scales, just step up and hold your nerve.

The look on the face of the leader changes with an audible gasp…is it good or bad?

6LB off I’ll take that thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

The picture at the top is going to be updated every week so hopefully you should see some difference over the next few weeks.

Feel Happy, Eat Healthy

If you’re anything like me food plays a part in every aspect of life, if I’m happy I eat, if I’m feeling sorry for myself I eat, if I’m board I eat. My like is one long everlasting munch fest.

However what I eat tends to depend on how I’m feeling.

If I’m in a positive happy mood I tend to go for things like:

wp-image-1862986794jpg.jpgย or wp-1479124352661.jpg

but, if I’m fed up, ill, feeling sorry for myself, upset or anxious i go for things like:

beige-foodย or wp-1478521431346.jpg

Lets be completely honest, which looks more tasty? I has to be the top two.

So what can we do to help life our moods, feel happier and then make tastier choices.

  • Sleep –ย Scientist from the National Sleep Foundationย have found the optimal sleep time for adults aged 18 to 64 is seven to nine hours (hhhhmmm I think I need to work on that one).
  • Laugh – Try and find something that makes you laugh. According to Help Guideย a good laugh not only relaxes the body but it burns calories.
  • Relax –ย This is easier said than done, but taking time to unwind is really important.
  • Exercise –ย Anything that gets the blood pumping is going to lift your mood
  • Thing Positively –ย Try and recognise all the little things you do well during the day, instead of focusing on the other stuff.

I am going to post something positive everyday to try and help focus on the happy positive things we can do to make best choices.

A Bucket List for a fat bird

Everyone has a bucket list, to be fair I have several. The standard ‘I want to do blah before I die’ kind of thing. I also have what I call my fat bird bucket list (it’s really more like a wish list).

To fit in a ‘normal’ chair –ย ย Squeezing into a chair is one of the most uncomfortable and embarrassing things a person can do.ย  Trying to wedge yourself in is quite an art, and it really hurts. All the fat around your hips get pushed up and over the top or squeezedย  through any gaps. To avoid this, I usually check out the seating in a cafe or bar and, as a rule if the seats have arms I’ll move on to the next.

Not to use a seat belt extension –ย once you have squeezed yourself into the airplaneย  seat the dreaded moment comes when you need to fasten the seat belt. You sit there holding in your tummy hoping that this time it might just fit, but it doesn’t. There is quite a knack of catching the eye of one of the cabin crew and indicating what you need, but that’s only the first bit. There are two different types of cabin crew, the first has a way of sensing your embarrassmentย  and discretely hand the device to you, the second almost announces what they are giving you.

Laying fully submerged in a bath –ย There is nothing more relaxing than laying in a hot bubble bath with candles burning and a glass of wine. The thought is a little better than the reality. When I get in the bath I trigger a miniature tsunami, then I act as a human dam creating small reservoirs.

Shop in a standard size shop –ย I have always hated cloths shopping on the high street. The main reason being that there are very few shops which stock bigger sizes (they are a lot better than they were). For me though it’s the look I get from some of the shop assistants. One day I went into a well know store and was polity advised ‘unfortunately we don’t stock your size’ my response was ‘I’m sorry I didn’t know handbags were size specific’.ย  She quickly apologised.

Go on fairground rides –ย  ย As a kid I loved the really big fairground rides, even now I am a bit of a speed freak. The only issue is I don’t fit behind the safety rails.

Lace up shoes –ย I have lace up shoes but at the moment fastening them is like a Krypton Factor puzzle. When you have big boobs, a fat belly and thunder thighs there is one thing you need…go go gadget arms.

Wear boots –ย ย I would love to wear boots over the winter, or even wellies. There is one issue, my calf’s are huge, even the specialist ones wont go round. Lets be honest though, when your legs have this much weight to support they need a fair bit of muscle to keep me upright.

Do a charity run or bike ride –ย ย  I have so much admiration when I see people doing all these charity sporting events. At the moment just watching them leaves me out of breath.

Wear a skirt without feeling the burn –ย ย One of the most painful things you will ever come across is thigh burn from chaffing. It is like a fire raging between your legs,

Cross my legs –ย  Sitting elegantly is something I’ve not been able to do for years. Even the ankle cross looks a fright.



Weight Loss: New Beginnings

There comes a point when you just have to suck it up and admit to yourself that things have got out of control and need to change.

Like most who have tried to lose weight before, I have done really really well then something has happened and I’ve fallen off the wagon.

This time however its not just the physical side that’s taken the hit, but over the last week especially I’ve felt like hell.

So there was only one thing for it…off to WWย I went, and here I am again writing about it.

This blog for anyone who has not seen it before is where I, quite selfishly I guess talk about my weight loss journey. It helps me to focus on what I’m doing and keeps me on track.

So, this is me after my first meeting today



As before I’ll be honest about how I’m doing and how hard it is.

At 29st 12 I’m just a little bit…in fact lets be blunt about twice if not three times the size of most people. This time round I hope never to see that number again.

Some people who read this may be shocked by that figure, and it’s ok to be, I’m not a massive fan of it myself. It is my own doing, no-one forced me to eat what I have and there is only me that can do something about it.

For anyone who has never been this size it’s really hard to comprehend, but at the end of the day I’m me and that’s the only person I can be.

So tonight I’ve drawn yet another line under what has gone before. Its time for another go at this, and this time I want to win.


Weekly Comparison – Week 2


So its this time of the week again. So another selfie to the collection, and i apologist for looking tired it’s been deadline week at uni.

This week I’ve lost 4 1/2 LB ๐Ÿ™‚ that’s 18.5 in total.

I think there is defiantly some change going on. Someone i haven’t seen for a while even commented this week which really made me feel good.


New Beginnings – New Me-Slimming World Here We Go


So this is me at the start of my first week on Slimming World.

To start on a semi-positive note, when i got on the scales for my first weigh in I fully expected to have put on all the weight i had lost before and then some…but i haven’t. I have but on most but at 29 stone 7.5 i’m half a stone lighter than my heaviest which is a bonus ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s only the beginning but i love the fact that i have had a pork and onion pastry-less quiche and not had to worry about weighing any of it.

I’ve picked at ham and had a muller light, again with no worries about points.

There are goals set in place both long and short term.

This time I will get a grip of my weight…and win!!!!