Feel Happy, Eat Healthy

If you’re anything like me food plays a part in every aspect of life, if I’m happy I eat, if I’m feeling sorry for myself I eat, if I’m board I eat. My like is one long everlasting munch fest.

However what I eat tends to depend on how I’m feeling.

If I’m in a positive happy mood I tend to go for things like:

wp-image-1862986794jpg.jpg or wp-1479124352661.jpg

but, if I’m fed up, ill, feeling sorry for myself, upset or anxious i go for things like:

beige-food or wp-1478521431346.jpg

Lets be completely honest, which looks more tasty? I has to be the top two.

So what can we do to help life our moods, feel happier and then make tastier choices.

  • Sleep – Scientist from the National Sleep Foundation have found the optimal sleep time for adults aged 18 to 64 is seven to nine hours (hhhhmmm I think I need to work on that one).
  • Laugh – Try and find something that makes you laugh. According to Help Guide a good laugh not only relaxes the body but it burns calories.
  • Relax – This is easier said than done, but taking time to unwind is really important.
  • Exercise – Anything that gets the blood pumping is going to lift your mood
  • Thing Positively – Try and recognise all the little things you do well during the day, instead of focusing on the other stuff.

I am going to post something positive everyday to try and help focus on the happy positive things we can do to make best choices.