A Bucket List for a fat bird

Everyone has a bucket list, to be fair I have several. The standard ‘I want to do blah before I die’ kind of thing. I also have what I call my fat bird bucket list (it’s really more like a wish list).

To fit in a ‘normal’ chair –  Squeezing into a chair is one of the most uncomfortable and embarrassing things a person can do.  Trying to wedge yourself in is quite an art, and it really hurts. All the fat around your hips get pushed up and over the top or squeezed  through any gaps. To avoid this, I usually check out the seating in a cafe or bar and, as a rule if the seats have arms I’ll move on to the next.

Not to use a seat belt extension – once you have squeezed yourself into the airplane  seat the dreaded moment comes when you need to fasten the seat belt. You sit there holding in your tummy hoping that this time it might just fit, but it doesn’t. There is quite a knack of catching the eye of one of the cabin crew and indicating what you need, but that’s only the first bit. There are two different types of cabin crew, the first has a way of sensing your embarrassment  and discretely hand the device to you, the second almost announces what they are giving you.

Laying fully submerged in a bath – There is nothing more relaxing than laying in a hot bubble bath with candles burning and a glass of wine. The thought is a little better than the reality. When I get in the bath I trigger a miniature tsunami, then I act as a human dam creating small reservoirs.

Shop in a standard size shop – I have always hated cloths shopping on the high street. The main reason being that there are very few shops which stock bigger sizes (they are a lot better than they were). For me though it’s the look I get from some of the shop assistants. One day I went into a well know store and was polity advised ‘unfortunately we don’t stock your size’ my response was ‘I’m sorry I didn’t know handbags were size specific’.  She quickly apologised.

Go on fairground rides –   As a kid I loved the really big fairground rides, even now I am a bit of a speed freak. The only issue is I don’t fit behind the safety rails.

Lace up shoes – I have lace up shoes but at the moment fastening them is like a Krypton Factor puzzle. When you have big boobs, a fat belly and thunder thighs there is one thing you need…go go gadget arms.

Wear boots –  I would love to wear boots over the winter, or even wellies. There is one issue, my calf’s are huge, even the specialist ones wont go round. Lets be honest though, when your legs have this much weight to support they need a fair bit of muscle to keep me upright.

Do a charity run or bike ride –   I have so much admiration when I see people doing all these charity sporting events. At the moment just watching them leaves me out of breath.

Wear a skirt without feeling the burn –  One of the most painful things you will ever come across is thigh burn from chaffing. It is like a fire raging between your legs,

Cross my legs –  Sitting elegantly is something I’ve not been able to do for years. Even the ankle cross looks a fright.




Everyone has a bucket list of things they want to do before the end. I’ve got one but theres another list. This list is one of milestones I want to reach that all rely on my weight loss.

Some of these may sound ordinary, even silly but for me each will have a significant. They represent success in the fight against my weight.

  1. Not Using Seatbelt Extender on and airplane – at no point in the last 15 years have i sat on a plane without the embarrassment of asking for a belt expander.
  2. Sitting In A Normal Armed Chair – When I go to a restaurant, or the cinema it’s the most uncomfortable thing is wedging yourself in, then prizing yourself out hoping you dont get stuck.
  3. Laying in the Bath With Water Surrounding Me – I very rearly have a bath opting for the shower instead. Because when I do, all the water instead of the water surrounding me it is like a dam behind me.
  4. Shopping in a ‘normal’ shop – For as long as I can remember I have not really been able to shop in a ‘normal’ high street shop. There are a couple of big girl shops like Evans and Yours  which are great, along with the J D Williams group. It will be nice to walk into any shop, look at whats there and know I will fit in them.
  5. Go on Fairground Rides – As a kid l loved the fairground rides, the bigger and scarier the better. However these days l will not even fit in the seats.
  6. Lacing Up Shoes – I tend to keep to slip on shoes as fastening  laces and buckles can be an issue, it will be nice to wear different shoes.
  7. Wear Boots – Apart from ankle boots, as a rule they are a no go due to the size of my calfs especially.
  8. Do a Charity Run or Bike Ride – At the moment doing the simplest of things leaves me tired.
  9. Wear a Skirt Without Feeling The Burn – wearing skirts and dresses hurt! For anyone who’s never felt the fire when your thighs rub…its not good.
  10. Crossing My Legs –  Sitting with my legs crossed will be great, especially when i finally start wearing skirts.