Feel Happy, Eat Healthy

If you’re anything like me food plays a part in every aspect of life, if I’m happy I eat, if I’m feeling sorry for myself I eat, if I’m board I eat. My like is one long everlasting munch fest.

However what I eat tends to depend on how I’m feeling.

If I’m in a positive happy mood I tend to go for things like:

wp-image-1862986794jpg.jpg or wp-1479124352661.jpg

but, if I’m fed up, ill, feeling sorry for myself, upset or anxious i go for things like:

beige-food or wp-1478521431346.jpg

Lets be completely honest, which looks more tasty? I has to be the top two.

So what can we do to help life our moods, feel happier and then make tastier choices.

  • Sleep – Scientist from the National Sleep Foundation have found the optimal sleep time for adults aged 18 to 64 is seven to nine hours (hhhhmmm I think I need to work on that one).
  • Laugh – Try and find something that makes you laugh. According to Help Guide a good laugh not only relaxes the body but it burns calories.
  • Relax – This is easier said than done, but taking time to unwind is really important.
  • Exercise – Anything that gets the blood pumping is going to lift your mood
  • Thing Positively – Try and recognise all the little things you do well during the day, instead of focusing on the other stuff.

I am going to post something positive everyday to try and help focus on the happy positive things we can do to make best choices.

New Beginnings – New Me-Slimming World Here We Go


So this is me at the start of my first week on Slimming World.

To start on a semi-positive note, when i got on the scales for my first weigh in I fully expected to have put on all the weight i had lost before and then some…but i haven’t. I have but on most but at 29 stone 7.5 i’m half a stone lighter than my heaviest which is a bonus 🙂

It’s only the beginning but i love the fact that i have had a pork and onion pastry-less quiche and not had to worry about weighing any of it.

I’ve picked at ham and had a muller light, again with no worries about points.

There are goals set in place both long and short term.

This time I will get a grip of my weight…and win!!!!

Putting a Number into Physical

When someone gives you a number or percentage it’s not always easy to make that number feel tangible, to be relatable.

Afer my big loss of 10lbs on Monday I was struggling to imagine what that would actually feel like in real terms. Physically how much less am i carrying with me.

For this my other half had an idea, as we were walking round Tesco yest he got me to close my eyes and hold out my arms.

This is what he put in them


The butter in the box is the equivalent of what i have lost in one week.

It weighs a ton, and to think this was what i had to carry everyday.

What a Week its Been

Tonight i go for my first weight in at weight watchers, and i’m fairly hopeful for a good result.

The week has been an interesting one in more ways than one.

After that initial meeting, there was a mix of emotions ranging from relief that i’ve finally made the decision to finally get my act together to horror at the realisation of how bad things had actually got.

The next thing that kicked in was the feeling of being ashamed of myself, how could i have let myself loose so much control of myself – but be happier in life than ever before.

When this happens usually i will give myself a talking to, get up, brush myself down and get on with things. This time was different, i allowed myself to feel all the emotions that flooded in, the shame, the anger, the frustration.

Some may think this crazy but there was reason behind it, i wanted to remember the feelings as a reminder to myself, a reminder that on the hard days will help me re-focus and re-group so i never feel this bad again.

From that point on its been positivity all the way, i’m lucky to have the unwavering support of my man at home and together we’ve become points obsessed. Walking round the shops scanning everything.

Eating has been the biggest change. I’m eating more than before, but different food. Instead of crisps and choc and rubbish i’m actually cooking again and enjoying it. There is a chance i may turn into bugs bunny with the amount of carrots im eating lol.

In reality though already i’m feeling happy and positive.

The truth will be seen tonight so fingers crossed.